Friday, June 4, 2010

We're in Texas!!!

Today we traveled through Texas. It was prettier than I thought it would be! This top left picture shows how green it is near Dallas. We arrived at Bryan's brother's house this evening and the kiddos are having fun with their cousins. They even have a playroom! We had a good travel day, even though we were on the road almost eleven hours again. The kids are amazingly patient (now, if only Bryan and I could be...) We are very thankful for the great trip we've had. Stay tuned for pics from our weekend with family! We will be here through the weekend, and then leaving Monday for Tennessee.

1 comment:

  1. All that desert makes some of the Psalms and the OT narratives come alive, doesn't it? I count at least five kinds of desert between LA and El Paso (I have driven that route several times).

    Praying for you all. After you have been here a while, perhaps we can visit. Grace and peace. Jim Henderson
